Code of Conduct/Anti-Harassment Policy
This is an evolving document. We expect to enrich the policy as we continue to learn the best ways to ensure our guests and members experience a safe and welcoming environment.
Please note that all Guild events will be hosted virtually, using the Zoom platform, until further notice. The same expectations of behavior apply for these virtual events, and our program hosts have the authority to remove any attendee who does not abide by these guidelines.
The Children’s Book Guild of Washington, D.C., is committed to providing all members and guests a respectful, inclusive and safe environment at all Guild-sponsored events. We expect all participants to be able to learn, network and enjoy the company of colleagues in an environment of mutual respect and free of harassment. In order to achieve this, we hold community members to the highest conduct standard possible: treat everyone with respect, including when expressing disagreement or a difference of opinion. All members, guests and participants in Guild events (whether live or online) are expected to abide by this code of conduct in all personal interactions.
Harassment is any behavior that creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or maliciously offensive environment for any member or guest. This may include, but is not limited to, sustained disruption of talks or presentations; inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact; stalking; unwelcome photographing or recording; bullying; abusive verbal or written comments. Harassment does not include respectful disagreement or critique made in good faith. The Guild also does not tolerate discrimination, which is treating someone less favorably based on a protected class.
No physical, verbal or online harassment or discrimination will be tolerated based on:
• Race or color
• Ethnic or national origin
• Age
• Religion
• Gender
• Sexual orientation
• Gender identity or expression
• Nationality, immigration status or citizenship
• Marital status
• Military or veteran status
• Physical or mental disability or other medical condition
• Political views or activity
• Status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking
• Any other basis prohibited under federal, state or local law.
Any members or guests attending a Guild event will be asked to indicate their willingness to abide by this policy as they sign up for the event. Anyone asked to stop hostile or harassing behavior is expected to do so immediately. The Guild reserves the right to refuse admission to, or remove any person from, any event at any time in its sole discretion. This includes, but is not limited to, participants behaving in a disorderly manner or otherwise failing to comply with this Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.
Anyone who experiences harassment or is otherwise made to feel uncomfortable, or has any other concerns about conduct that may violate this policy, should immediately report the problem to Guild leadership, using this form. Reports should include the substance of the complaint, date, and whenever possible, a list of witnesses or a reference to the relevant URLs, if the offense occurred online. Additionally, members and guests are empowered to intervene if they witness harassment. If a person is unaware of the discomfort being caused, drawing attention to the problem behavior is encouraged.
The Guild will begin investigating every report of a violation of our Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy within three days of learning of an incident and will attempt an amicable resolution or consult with other Guild Board members to determine appropriate action steps. Action steps may include removing a Guild member from a leadership position or membership in the Guild or barring participation in future events for non-members.
The Guild will take steps to protect the confidentiality of a complainant to the extent possible; however, confidentiality may not be possible in all circumstances and those with a legitimate reason to be informed in the process of investigating a complaint will be asked to treat the matter with discretion and respect for all parties involved. If a complaint is made anonymously, the Guild may not be able to follow up with the complainant directly.
In case of emergencies, please call 911 for emergency response.
The D.C. Rape and Sexual Assault hotline number is 202-333-RAPE.
DC has a number of taxi services. We have listed several below:
Yellow Cab of DC 202-546-7900
Red Cab DC 202.385.1632
VIP Cab 202.269.9000