Children's Book Guild DC-Metro Youth Literacy Grants
Every year the Children's Book Guild provides grants to schools in the DC area. Schools receive funds to acquire books for their libraries, media centers, or classrooms. Schools make their selections and purchases through First Book Marketplace.

Below you will find a list of schools or organizations that have been recipients of the Youth Literacy Grants:
2024: Aspire! After School Learning, Arlington, VA;
Dorothy I Height Elementary School, Washington, D.C.;
Military Road Early Learning Center, Washington, D.C.;
Nevel Thomas Elementary, Washington, D.C.;
Ruby Tucker Family Center, Alexandria, VA
2023: Twinbrook Elementary School in Montgomery County, MD; Langdon Elementary and Charles Hart Middle Schools and School Without Walls in Washington, D.C.; and Summer Fun Stuff/Do Kind Works in Montgomery County, MD/Washington, D.C.
2022: Simon Elementary and Truesdell Elementary in Washington, D.C., Springhill Lake Elementary in Greenbelt, and St. Francis International School in Silver Spring
2019-2020: C. W. Harris Elementary School, Excel Academy, Payne Elementary School, West Education Campus
2018-2019: TraRon Center, Fox Chapel Elementary School, Garrison Elementary School
2017-2018: Dunbar High School, Anacostia High School, Brookland Middle School, Kramer Middle School, Thomson Elementary School, Brightwood Elementary School
2016-2017: Patterson Elementary School, Plummer Elementary School, Cleveland Elementary School, Anne Beers Elementary School, Garfield Elementary School, Langdon Elementary School
2014-2015: Kimball Elementary School, Ketcham Elementary School, Whittier Elementary School
The Guild welcomes suggestions of schools in the DC Metro area that would benefit from this program. Please send suggestions or inquiries here.
Thank you!